Pope Francis: Jubilee of the Roman Curia, “setting the example for everyone”, no to “any temptation”

“We must pasture sheep with a generous spirit and set the example for everyone” by shying away from “any temptation”. This is the Pope’s assignment to the members of the Roman Curia, the Governorate and the institutions related to the Holy See that crowded St Peter’s Basilica for their Jubilee. “We are called to be God’s assistants in such a fundamental and unique feat as that of testifying with our life to the transforming force of grace and to the renewing power of the Spirit”, Francis said: “Let’s let the Lord free us of any temptation that brings us away from the core of our mission, and let’s rediscover the beauty of professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ”. “Faithfulness to the ministry goes well with the mercy we want to experience”, he went on, speaking of the subject of the Jubilee Year and mentioning that, “in the Holy Scriptures, faithfulness and mercy are an inseparable pair”: “Where there’s one, there’s the other too, and it is precisely in their mutuality and complementarity that lies the Good Shepherd”. “The faithfulness expected of us is that of acting according to Christ’s heart”, the Pope explained.

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