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EU Commission: European funds, an aid to promote investments and growth

(Brussels) “Helping local authorities and promoters of projects make the most of the opportunities offered by the combined use of EFSI and ESIF funds. Both tools, even if different, are complimentary to each other in terms of rationale, design and regulatory framework, and they strengthen each other”. Today, the European Commission presented a new information tool (digital and hardcopy) developed in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to explain how to use both funds together. “Juncker’s Commission’s first priority is to revive growth in Europe and increase the number of jobs, without creating new debt”, it is explained. “Together, the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the pivot of the investment plan for Europe, and the European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) play a key role in job creation and growth”. In 2014-2020, ESIF funds will offer a chance to invest 454 billion euros in 500 projects focussed on strategic areas, which are key to a sustainable economic growth, with pride of place given to research, development and innovation, support to small- and medium-sized companies, low-carbon economy, and information and communication technology. For further information or to read the document:

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