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WYD Cracow: Local organising committee, timetable of main events published now

The Local Organising Committee (LOC) of Cracow has disclosed the timetable of the key events of the WYD (25-31 July, 2016). On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, young people from all over the world – two million of them are expected to arrive – will meet in the city’s Blonia Park, always at 6.00 pm. On Tuesday 26th, the opening ceremony will be officiated by cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz. On Thursday 28th, Pope Francis will be received, while on Friday 29th the Way of the Cross will be celebrated. In the weekend, the young people will move to the Campus Misericordiae, a few miles from the city. On Saturday 30th, the vigil will start off at 7.30 pm; a concert will be held at the end of the liturgy. On Sunday 31st July, the final mass “for the mission” will start at 10.00 am. As reported by the Local Organising Committee, “the timetable is approximate and could be changed depending on new requirements”. The calendar is completed by a catechesis, due to take place in the mornings, from Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th. A date to be written down, at least for the Italian participants, who are expected to be one hundred thousand, is July 27th: two are the events planned for that day: a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy to cross the Holy Door, followed by Mass in Blonia Park, then the traditional Italian Party which will be broadcast live on TV2000.

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