Sweden: Churches organise formation programme for young people. “Leadership, religions and democracy”

Registration is now open for the second edition of the formation programme “Leadership, religions and democracy” organised by the Swedish Interreligious Council in cooperation with the Academy for Democracy to “offer young leaders a chance to increase their theoretical knowledge of democracy and human rights, and acquire practical skills in project management and leadership”, explain the organisers. People aged 18 to 30 are invited to attend, as well as members of religious communities, be they “priests, imams, pastors, rabbis, monks, teachers, youth educators, board members, or active members of a faith community”. The programme will run over three weekends and will be fully sponsored by the Commission for Government Support to Faith Communities (SST). It will include some theoretical reflections with presentations on the role of religions and religious communities in Sweden and on the foundation of democracy and human rights. There will also be workshops to explore issues relating to the democratic processes, the place of leaders in a democratic society, and the necessary requirements for an idea to become a project, at the individual and group level. Last year, 17 young people took part in the programme.

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