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European Parliament: Isis’ genocide, “international action needed”. Workshop with mgr. Chbeir and father Al-Bazi

(Brussels) “Isis’ genocide. Urgent need for international action”: this is the title of a workshop that will take place at the European Parliament, in Brussels, tomorrow, February 17th (at 05.30 pm, Room 6Q1). This workshop is a follow-up on the resolution passed by the plenary meeting in early February, reporting Daesh’s abuse, in Syria, in the Middle East and other regions, of religious and ethnic minorities, first and foremost the martyrdom of Christians in many countries. A strong position taken by the European Parliament, which also asks the UN Security Council to take a clear stance and engage in an international field action to stop war, massacres, persecution, which are getting fiercer and fiercer just over these hours. Guest speakers at the workshop (organised by People’s Party group, Ecr group, Environmentalists, Liberal Democrats and Adf International) will include: Gregory Stanton, president of “Genocide Watch” (George Mason University); mgr. Antoine Chbeir, bishop of Lattaquié (Syria), and father Douglas Yousif Al-Bazi, Chaldean Catholic priest of Baghdad.

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