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Austria: Lent, young people’s questions about faith, forms of fasting, and solidarity

“40 questions for 40 days”: this is what the Altar Servers of the Archdiocese of Vienna are going to do. Every day, the director of the pastoral service for the altar, Philipp Seher, posts a video on YouTube to answer Viennese young people’s questions about life and faith. Pope Francis’s words too will act as moral support for devotees in this Lent: a project announced by the spokesman of the Austrian Bishops Conference, Paul Wuthe, includes the option to listen to short meditations from the Pope’s magisterium by dialling 0664-6606651: “These are slightly different texts, as they are an encouragement to slow down and focus on the essential things – Wuthe said about the selected quotes –; Pope Francis calls to the practicality of faith and leads us with his words”. In many Austrian dioceses and through the movements’ initiatives, the choice to abstain from eating sweets, drinking alcohol, driving and spending for fun things, as well as just giving up meat at Lent, is a well-established practice by now. The Association of Austrian Catholic Families (Kfo), too, as told by its president Alfred Trendl, planned to “consciously live such sacrifices as a family experience”. According to Trendl, “it is always useful to question one’s habits”: savings may be donated to a cause chosen together by the family.

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