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Cardinal Parolin: to CTV, Pope in Mexico to “rediscover and live the proclamation and witness of mercy”

“By his presence in Mexico, the Pope” wants to “help us to rediscover and live daily the proclamation and witness of mercy”. The Church is called to “condemn evil and speak up against all negative phenomena such as corruption, drug trafficking, violence, and crime which are hindering and delaying the spiritual and material progress of the country”. On the eve of Pope Francis’ departure for Mexico, the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, highlights the main themes of the Pontiff’s apostolic trip in an interview with the Vatican Television Centre (CTV).
Pope Bergoglio will be in Mexico on 12-18 February. During his pilgrimage as a “missionary of mercy and peace”, the Pontiff will pray in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and will meet with indigenous communities from Chiapas. He will also visit a prison and celebrate Mass in Ciudad Juàrez.
The interview, by Barbara Castelli, will be published on the CTV website this afternoon, and in part in the new episode of Vatican Magazine, the CTV weekly, on Saturday. It will also be published in The Roman Observer and by Vatican Radio.

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