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Albania: honorary citizenship of Durres to the three religious leaders of the city

Honorary citizenship of Durres to the three religious leaders of the city: the Catholic parish priest, don Gjergj Meta, the Mufti of the Mosque, Redin Quku, and the Orthodox parish priest, father Gjerasin Çakalli. It was bestowed yesterday by the Mayor of Durres, Vangjush Dako, for this reason: “For their contribution to the promotion of cohabitation and harmony among citizens. For their spiritual support to the citizens of Durres. For their contribution to tolerance and interreligious harmony”. As they took the honour, the three religious leaders thanked the organisers for such recognition. “Durres – don Meta says – is the birthplace of three martyrs of faith: bishop Vincenc Prennushi and parish priests don Anton Zogaj and mgr. Jul Bonati. All three are in the list of the 40 martyrs, which is now undergoing its Positio with the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. They had good relations with the other religious leaders of the time. As the former home of the current diocese of Tirana-Durres, Durres can be proud of such peaceful cohabitation that still goes on. In the city, there is currently the co-cathedral St Lucy’s parish and there’s St Dominic’s”. The honour received, don Meta concludes, “goes to the martyr Catholic community of Durres, of which I am a son. To the parish priests and to bishop Prennushi, as well as to the missionary men and women of Italy and other countries who, over the last 25 years, have given a huge contribution to the rebirth of the Church and of society”.

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