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Justice and Peace Europe: Year 2016 dedicated to fighting economic inequality between rich and poor

“Globalisation and digitalisation of economy have caused increase in wealth and income distribution inequality in the most advanced economies in the world, including Europe. This process has peculiar characteristics: the medium class is gradually decreasing, the neediest groups are stable, and above all, the very rich, are enjoying growing profits”. A reflection published by the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions today is dedicated to “Growing taxation and economic inequality. A challenge for Europe and the world”.
“Poverty increase and excessive wealth concentration – it is said in the reflection – are ethically unfair and are a threat for social cohesion and democratic order”. This situation goes together with the migration phenomenon, which is “a further challenge”. The reflection takes into consideration the words spoken by Pope Francis and the social doctrine of the Church. Meeting in Lisbon from 5 to 7 February, the secretaries general of the Justice and Peace Commissions decided to concentrate their actions exactly on economic inequality and taxation systems, this year. “For a change of direction – it is said in the reflection text – it is necessary to adopt better rules and regulations, in the spirit of generous and worldwide solidarity”.

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