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Pope Francis: audience, “optimism disappoints, hope does not”

“Hope is very important, because it does not disappoint: optimism disappoints, hope does not”. Pope Francis made these off-the-cuff remarks in the Paul VI Hall today, beginning a new series of catecheses on Christian hope. “We need it so much, in these times that seem so dark, in which we sometimes feel lost in front of the evil and violence surrounding us, in front of the suffering of many of our brothers and sisters”, the Pontiff continued: “We feel lost and also a bit disheartened and powerless, because this darkness seems never-ending”. “But we should not lose hope, because God, with His love, walks with us and never leaves us alone, and the Lord Jesus has conquered evil, thus opening to us the path of life”, the Pope remarked. And he added off the cuff: “I do hope, because God walks with me, by my side: we can all say this. He walks with me, holding me by the hand”. “Particularly in this Advent season, which is a time of expectation, in which we prepare to welcome once again the consoling mystery of the Incarnation and the light of Christmas, it is important for us to reflect on hope”, Pope Francis said.







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