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Slovakia: consultory center for unexpectedly pregnant and abused women opens in region with highest abortion rate

“It’s not necessary to help in the regions with high awareness of the need to protect yet unborn life. It’s necessary to address those people who are indifferent towards this most natural thing in the world”, explains Marcela Dobesova, president of the biggest pro-life platform in Slovakia. Forum for Life has decided to open a consultory center Femina for pregnant women considering abortion in Levice, city with the highest abortion and divorce rate in Slovakia. “Femina wants to be some sort of a refuge for women who get unexpectedly and often unwantedly pregnant and for those who are abused. We want to make sure they come to us to seek help before making a decision that could hurt them and their families for the rest of their lives”, says Anna Siekelova, head of the consultory center. She appreciates the fact that Femina could be opened directly at the premises of the local hospital, providing the center with very good position in regard to its mission and aims. Forum for Life has trained six volunteers who will be fully available to help pregnant women in need, with a strong background of the experts in medical, spiritual, legal and social area. For more information:

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