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United Kingdom: Prince Charles on the radio, worried about survival of Christian faith in the Middle East and populism in Europe

A Christian heir to the throne who worries about the survival of his faith in the Middle East, while he gets ready to take up Queen Elizabeth’s crown. This is how Prince Charles sounded this morning on “Thought for the day”, the most popular religious radio programme in the United Kingdom, on Bbc4. “A Syrian Jesuit told me to fear that Christians will be completely exterminated in Iraq and in the neighbouring countries”, the Prince said on the radio. And then: “My parents’ generation fought against intolerance and extremism, while now we see many aggressive populist groups who are aggressive against people who follow minority faiths”. In addition, Prince Charles mentioned the story of the Holy Family who fled the violent persecution of King Herod, a tragedy that is similar to that of over 60 million migrants, forced to leave their countries. A few years ago, the Prince, who, if he became King, would be the leader of the “Church of England”, had stated he wanted to be the “leader of all faiths”, raising doubts about his Christian beliefs. In addition, Prince Charles spoke of the risk that a rise in populism may cause the horrors of the Holocaust to happen again.





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