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Russia: Moscow, photographic exhibition for the 80th birthday of the Pope. Mgr. Migliore (Nuncio), “a special love for the Russian population”

A photographic exhibition for the 80th birthday of Pope Francis will stay open at the Centre for studies about the Russian diaspora “A. Solgenitsin” in Moscow, until 30th January 2017. Organised in partnership with the Embassy of the Russian Federation to the Vatican and the culture centre “Pokrovsky Gates”, the exhibition will display photos about all of Bergoglio’s papacy. Speaking at the unveiling event, on 19th December, the apostolic nuncio, mgr. Celestino Migliore, stated: “His great moral authority made Pope Francis a universally-recognised leader, and all the world respects and loves him for his being so truly close to people from all backgrounds, especially the most disadvantaged ones”. According to the Nuncio, as posted on the website рускатолик.рф, “Pope Francis has a special love for the Russian population that he showed in his many meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as at the epoch-making meeting with Patriarch Kirill at Havana” last February, which the exhibition gives plenty of space to. According to Abbot Stefan, who was at the unveiling ceremony in his capacity as the official delegate of the Department for External Relations of the Patriarchate of Moscow, the exhibition is a “continuation of what happened at Havana”, because, “by speaking to Russia about the Pope, we speak of his work and his efforts, so we explain the meaning of such meeting”.



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