Pope Francis: to Roman Curia, reform is “a sign of life, of a Church that advances”

The reform of the Roman Curia is “first and foremost a sign of life, of a Church that advances on her pilgrim way, of a Church that is living and for this reason semper reformanda”. “It must clearly be said that reform is not an end unto itself, but rather a process of growth and above all of conversion”. Pope Francis said this in his address on the occasion of the presentation of the Christmas greetings to the Roman Curia in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace today. The Pope dedicated this annual event to the reform of the Roman Curia to share its “framework, guiding principles, and what is yet to come”. In order to explain the reform, Pope Francis started with the logic of Christmas, which is “the overturning of worldly logic, of the mentality of power and might, the thinking of the Pharisees and those who see things only in terms of causality or determinism”. “For the Curia – he explained -, the word reform is to be understood in two ways. First of all, it has to make the Curia conform to the Good News which must be proclaimed joyously and courageously to all, especially to the poor, the least and the outcast. To make it conform to the signs of our time and to all its human achievements, so as better to meet the demands of the men and women whom we are called to serve. At the same time, this means conforming the Curia ever more fully to its purpose, which is that of cooperating in the ministry of the Successor of Peter”.

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