Pope Francis: massacre in Berlin, “may the murderous folly of terrorism have no room in our world”

Pope Francis “shares in the mourning of the families, offering his compassion to them, and assuring them of his closeness in suffering”. Pope Francis has sent this telegram – signed by Vatican Secretary of State Card. Pietro Parolin – to the Archbishop of Berlin, Monsignor Heiner Koch, following the “terrible act of violence perpetrated in Berlin which killed many people and left many others injured”. “In prayer”, the telegram reads, the Pope “entrusts the deceased to the mercy of God, also imploring from Him the recovery of the injured. The Holy Father also thanks the rescue and security teams for their active efforts”. “Pope Francis joins all men and women of good will in their commitment to fighting the murderous folly of terrorism so that it may no longer have room in our world. In this sense– the telegram ends -, His Holiness implores from God, our Merciful Father, consolation, protection and His comforting blessing”.






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