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Berlin: card. Marx (Dbk), “being united at this difficult time for our city and for our country”

The president of the German Bishops Conference (Dbk), cardinal Reinhard Marx, issued a statement, in which he condemns last night’s terrorist attack on Berlin’s Christmas market: “The news from Berlin have deeply upset me. Violence at a Christmas market is the opposite of what visitors wanted. My sympathy goes to the families of the dead and injured people. I will pray for them all. At this difficult time for the city of Berlin and for our country, it is important that we stay united as a society and that we stay together”. The terrorist attack on the Breitscheidplatz market, in the Charlottenburg district in Berlin, hit one of the most famous Christmas markets in Germany. Last night’s images and facts, in which a lorry with the lights off ran over the market’s huts and the partying people who were there, killing twelve and injuring twenty so far, with another 30 hospitalised in a state of serious shock, resembled the massacre on the promenade of Nice of July 14th, where the terrorists used the same method of a lorry driving into a crowded pedestrian area.

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