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Poland: Father Drag (Family Pastoral Centre), marriage decrease and debasement, “new vision needed”

“Statistics relative to the period 1980-2015 show us remarkable decrease in marriage, growth in the number of divorces, and a greater and greater number of children born out of marriage; they are alarming figures”, says Father Przemyslaw Drag, director of the Polish National Centre for the Family Pastoral. According to the bishop, “those data show us that the pastoral work with couples, young couples, above all, is not sufficiently constant for preventing doubts among Catholics, too, about the meaning of marriage and the traditional family”. Father Drag is also much concerned about the several interpretations of the statistics, which are often regarded as “evidence that the Polish society is no longer interested in the traditional union of man and woman”. “Some people also said that the new ideologies are winning, and are going to exclude marriage from society in a natural way”, said the bishop, mentioning opinions according to which “the ideal Catholic marriage is too demanding and abstract”, believing that “marriage is a sacrifice to be made in the name of a promise, with no opportunities for personal growth”. As an antidote to the negative perception of marriage, Father Drag proposes “a new vision” of marriage, complying with the teachings of Pope Francis, who hopes for “an open and proactive proclamation of the Gospel and the family”.

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