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COMECE: Europeinfos on the “Trump era” in the US and the Iraq case, where “a new Marshall plan is needed”

(Brussels) “After the elections, the Catholic Church – including in equal proportions Republicans, Democrats, Hispanics, black people, white people, men and women of all levels of education and social circles – might play an important role in the reconciliation process, which today is necessary”, wrote Jesuit Martin Maier in the editorial of Europeinfos, the monthly magazine by the Commission of the Bishops’ Conference of the European Community (COMECE), starting with a reflection on the recent elections in the US. The December issue – online at www.europe-infos.ue from today – goes also back to the Iraq question: “A new Marshall plan is necessary, in the short and in the long run, to reconstruct the country in the economic field, too. Economic perspectives are necessary for populations to stay in the country”, says Archbishop of Kirkuk Yousif Thomas Mirkis, asking Europe to send observers and advisors to help the people and to create democratic fabric. Moreover, the magazine of the office of COMECE’s bishops examines the crisis of Spanish employment, with 42% youth unemployment. Young people are “disoriented, diffident, with no self-esteem or trust, and few hopes for the future”, says Archbishop of Barcelona Juan José Omella i Omella in an interview. On the other hand, German scholar Patrick Zoll openly asks everyone to resume the issue of taxing the rich in Europe: “It might show us that united Europe can make global corporations feel responsible, in favour of public interest”.

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