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Estonia: Mgr. Jourdan (Tallinn) to the Catholics of the country. “No one should feel alone at Christmas”

“In the family of Nazareth, no one talks about him/herself and their dreams and plans, but everyone lives in the other. The words ‘I, I, I’ are not heard in the house of Nazareth, but everyone looks at the other person”: Mgr. Philippe Jourdan, Bishop of Tallinn, wrote this in his Christmas message to the Catholics of Estonia “Christmas is a wonderful opportunity for us to look at our family, so that no one feels alone, invisible, inexistent to us”, the Bishop insisted, inviting the faithful in this time to look at “what is more important in our lives”: first of all at God, in our personal prayer, but also and above all in the Eucharist; then at our family and at “all those we meet on the street, on public transport…”. We should commit ourselves to seeing their “needs”, particularly if they are poor and marginalised. The Jubilee Year that has just ended has been “a great grace from God and a blessing for us, and we know that the Church, as a good mother, has helped us to open our eyes to the neighbour”. For Mgr. Jourdan, “that mercy which we have lived during the Holy Year should continue to live inside us and in our day-to-day lives”. At the end of his message, the Bishop invited to pray for “the Catholic Church in Estonia and for the Holy Father, in the hope that we may soon see him here with us”.




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