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European Council: condemning the “attack of Aleppo”. Evacuating residents. Four “urgent measures”

(Brussels) “The European Council firmly condemns the endless attack of Aleppo by the Syrian regime and its allies, markedly Russia and Iran, including the deliberate attacks against civilians and hospitals”. The meeting of the EU heads of State and Government, that took place in Brussels yesterday until late in the evening, did not deliver any major results about the main items on the agenda – migration, security, economy, foreign relations –, but the document with the “Conclusions” of the summit (12 pages and a supplement about Brexit) gives plenty of space to Syria. The European Council therefore “is making an urgent appeal to the regime and to Russia, as well as to all the parties involved in the Syrian conflict, that they immediately take the following four urgent measures: evacuation of the residents of East Aleppo – safely and dignifiedly –, under the supervision and coordination of the United Nations, to a destination of their choice. The most seriously injured people are those to be evacuated first”; “immediate, unconditional assistance and protection to all the residents of East Aleppo, without discrimination and in compliance with international humanitarian laws”; “effective protection of all medical staff and healthcare facilities all over the country”; “enforcement of international humanitarian laws in East Aleppo as well as in the rest of the country, especially in the areas where civilians have been besieged”.



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