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Comece: poverty, European bishops’ document. “Building a community of solidarity”. Six priorities

(Brussels) To respond to the needs of the 119 million poor people who live in Europe today, the Commission of the EU Bishops Conferences (Comece) thinks it is essential to build a “community of solidarity and responsibility” that can be accomplished in six ways. The guidelines are contained in the “Statement on poverty and social exclusion”, disclosed yesterday and reflected upon at the Plenary Meeting of late October. The first way is through the “promotion of integral development” according to the “Europe 2020” strategy that must not be “lost sight of”, especially for its “social and environmental indicators”, and by advocating “alternative consumption and production habits”. Then, “consistent policies” must be enforced, so that the “future policies”, especially “fair tax” policies, may help “remove the structural causes of poverty”. Thirdly, “economic interests and social rights” need to be “redressed”, to stop inequalities growing. “Defending proper working conditions” is a key point in this battle that the EU must engage “by strengthening its employment laws”, not least to comply with international standards. “Acknowledging families as the key players of society” with “more substantial support” and “family-focussed” policies is another priority, along with a style that promotes “dialogue and cooperation” with all players, first and foremost poor people.



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