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Sweden: training seminars promoted by Churches “for persons working with asylum-seekers and refugees”

The first of a series of seminars set up by Swedish Churches in collaboration with the Red Cross and Save the Children, “for persons working with asylum-seekers and refugees, in ecclesial organisations or non-profit associations” is taking place in Jönköping on 10/11 November. The purpose of seminars (about twenty by spring 2019) is to provide the people assisting asylum-seekers in the communities of the Swedish territory with “in-depth knowledge of laws and procedures connected with asylum and immigration”, as well as “a background to face the psychological and social implications due to the arrival of those people”, thus “giving new energy and stimulating continuous commitment” of those already operating in this field, says Peter Karlsson, in charge of the project. During the two seminar days, there will also be time to face specific cases, to support “networking” of the organisations working with immigration, and to exchange experiences. This course is part of a bigger educational project named #värme (heat), for immigration to take place in the name of “dignity, compassion, knowledge”, says Karlsson. The course is co-financed through a contribution from the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), and by the Council of Churches; organisers are planning to train about 800 persons during seminar cycles. After Jönköping, it will be the turn of Sundsvall, in December.

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