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Pope Francis: audience, the example of a businessman who prays to avoid sacking his workers

An entrepreneur who prays that he might not be forced to fire his employees. Pope Francis pointed to the example of this “good man”, capable of “praying with his heart and deeds for his neighbours, in a difficult situation”, as he spoke off the cuff at the end of today’s catechesis dedicated to the last works of corporal and spiritual mercy. “Yesterday a good man came to Mass at Santa Marta”, Pope Francis said. “He was an entrepreneur who had to close down his business because he could no longer continue with it. That man, a young man, was weeping, and he was saying: ‘I do not want to leave more than 50 families without a job. I could declare bankruptcy and go home with my money, but my heart would weep for these families for as long as I live”. “This is a good Christian who has come with his works”, the Pope acknowledged. “Here is a man who knows how to pray with his heart and deeds for his neighbours in a difficult situation. He does seek an easy way out – let them sort it out themselves: this is not Christian”. “It did me good to listen to him”, Pope Francis said. “Many of us should pray like him today, now, at this very moment as many people are suffering from unemployment!”. “Pray and let the Holy Spirit pray in you”, Pope Francis encouraged: “This is beautiful in life: to pray by praising God, weeping, but always with a heart open to the Spirit, that the Spirit may pray in us, with us, and for us”. “Let us commit ourselves to praying for one another, so that the works of mercy may become more and more the lifestyle of our lives”, Pope Francis stated at the end of his series of catecheses on mercy. “The catecheses have come to an end, but mercy continues, and we have to put it into practice in these 14 ways”.



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