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United Kingdom: Brexit, High Court decision. Mr Longley (Catholic journalist), “everything changes”. Towards a soft Brexit?

A decision which is just as important as the 23 June Brexit referendum vote by which the United Kingdom has decided to leave the European Union. Clifford Longley, Catholic journalist and former correspondent for “The Times” and “The Daily Telegraph”, has no doubt. With the decision of the High Court to strip PM Theresa May of the power to trigger Article 50 and transfer it to the Parliament, the nature of the process that started last June has radically changed. “Of course, the Government will appeal the decision and the Supreme Court will have the last word, but today’s decision is likely to be upheld and the parliament may compel the government not to trigger Article 50 and force it to negotiate a softer Brexit which will not take us out of the European single market”. In other words, three-quarters of MPs who, already in June, were against the UK leaving the EU may unite to mitigate a vote that in the past few months has appeared to be disastrous and discretely change its nature. “The European Union, seeing the possibility of the Brexit vote losing relevance, may in turn be interested in finding a compromise that would allow the UK to reduce the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Europeans. An immigration that has been growing too fast and has led to last June’s Brexit vote”, Mr Longley concluded.

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