Pope Francis with French Muslims: mgr. Dubost, “important for the Pope to have shown them love and respect”

“Times are hard but we must not exaggerate the problems, because in tragedy there are signs of light and hope”. This is how monsignor Michel Dubost, bishop of Evry and director of relations with Islam for the French Bishops, describes the audience that this morning Pope Francis had with a large group of religious leaders and, just afterwards, with a delegation of the French Council of Muslim cult, led by president Anour Kbibech.
“For us – bishop Dubost tells SIR –, it was important for the Pope to be able to show love and respect to the Council of Muslim Cult in France. In France – mgr. Dubost explains –, there’s a feeling that Muslims are regarded as terrorists, as supporters of war. And, especially after the murder of father Hamel, it was important for the French Muslims to feel that Catholics are close to them, and for Catholic to be able to tell them that we respect them and wish to live with them. The message today is saying: don’t let’s stop in front of problems but, as the Pope showed us, let’s commit to walking, all together, side by side, on the path of mercy. Muslims say that God is merciful, we believe that too. So, let’s be the image of the merciful God”. The appeal not to mention God’s name to excuse hatred and violence is important, and “it’s not the first time the Pope says that. The role of religious leaders is to desacralize conflicts”.

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