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Poland: leaders of all Israel’s religious communities make appeal against war in Auschwitz

“We call on all world leaders to act, with unwavering determination in their own countries and through the UN, against anti-Semitism and hatred of the other, which once again plague contemporary society”. The leaders of all religious communities officially recognised in Israel have issued this joint declaration yesterday, 2 November, in Poland. The members of the delegation, composed of Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druses and representatives of other religious communities, visited the museum of the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz at the end of their four-day trip to Warsaw and Cracow, jointly organised by the Polish Bishops and the Israeli authorities. “The visit is an appeal not to use religion as a pretext for terrorism and violence, as is the case in Israel”, said Anna Azari, Israeli ambassador to Poland. The spokesperson for the Polish Bishops, Fr. Pawel Rytel Andrianik, highlighted how the appeal made by the religious leaders in Poland, “which had suffered more than other countries during the Second World War”, echoes the words of Pope Francis on the “new world conflict” defined as a “piecemeal war”. The representative of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ron Brummer, observed: “For the first time, the representatives of all religions practiced in Israel have acknowledged together the dramatic history of the Jews”.

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