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Europe: mgr. Ambrosio (Comece), “let everyone work for the EU to be a really supportive community”

A forthcoming document about poverty in Europe (surveys and ideas) and a big meeting in Rome in autumn 2017 called “Rethinking Europe”: these are two of the results of the meeting of Comece (Commission of EU Bishops Conferences), that took place in Brussels on 26-28 October. In an interview with SIR, mgr. Gianni Ambrosio, bishop of Piacenza-Bobbio and deputy president of Comece, describes the highlights and the guidelines that have come out of the plenary meeting. “The meeting of Comece was mainly focussed – he explains – on poverty in Europe. Actually, we should say: the bishops put at the centre of their reflections the men and women who, in our continent, live in poverty or on the verge of poverty and social exclusion”. “We discussed and talked about that with Caritas Europe and with the volunteers of 5 Catholic organisations that work in Brussels with poor people. Then, we had long talks with the delegates of the European Commission, mainly listening to their ideas and strategies to fight poverty and social inequality”. A supportive Europe? “Yes. This means that everyone must work for Europe to be a really supportive community, overcoming selfishness and withdrawal. The Church in Europe is called to express, share and spread its rich wealth of charity and fraternity. Even in connection with the big issue of immigrants and asylum seekers”.

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