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EU-Churches: meeting between European institutions and religious leaders. Mgr. Kozon (Comece), “tackling the causes of migration”

Bruxelles, 29 novembre: Antonio Tajani, il vescovo Czeslaw Kozon, Frans Timmermans (foto SIR/CE)

(Brussels) “Temporary border control in some countries to push back some groups of people, despite not breaching the Schengen rules, arouses a few concerns”: this is what the bishop of Copenhagen, monsignor Czeslaw Kozon, said straightaway as he spoke in Brussels this morning in his capacity as the deputy president of the Commission of the EU Bishops Conferences (Comece) at the yearly meeting between the European institutions and the communities of believers of the European Union, about “Migration, social inclusion, European values: from words to facts”. While it is true that “not every migrant is a refugee”, and a distinction can be made between those who come because they are persecuted and threatened and those who come because they want to give their children a better life, “increasing efforts to close the borders and reduce immigration must be supported by international initiatives”, the bishop comments. While “tackling the root causes of migration” is still a “key task”. Equally precious is assisting the refugees in the neighbouring countries where they have been evacuated, such as in Turkey, but “problems need to be dealt with in their home countries”, Kozon insists. Topics discussed by mgr. Kozon include the problems the Church is finding in entering European camps and shelters to help immigrants, “because the authorities want these places to be religiously neutral”. Religion “is an important factor in the life of many people, and freedom of religion is ensured by the States that claim to be tolerant and democratic, but there are differences in the ways it is actually enforced”.



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