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EU-Churches: meeting between European institutions and religious leaders. Mgr. Kockerols (Comece), “any refugee is entitled to be humanly treated”

(Brussels) The refugee crisis “has undermined the joint view of the EU but also, there’s no point hiding it, that of the Churches in Europe. Despite Pope Francis’s unceasing reminders, some governments’ withdrawals and lack of courage affect the reactions of some local churches”. This has been noticed by mgr. Jean Kockerols, deputy president of Comece, at today’s meeting between the political leaders of the European Union and the religious leaders. In his speech, Kockerols expressed “concerns”, “facts” and beliefs” in connection with the meeting: “Migration, social inclusion, European values: from words to facts”. The bishop mentioned that polarised views about migration and the walls that are built in the Old Continent need to be avoided. He mentioned the efforts made by the local churches, “not only for the immediate support of the refugees but also to promote a good social inclusion, which is a long-term process”. He likewise insisted on support measures, mainly those taken by the Caritas agencies. Lastly: “Just like the EU’s institutions, the Catholic Church cannot address the matter of migrants as a ‘problem’ or as a temporary, short-lived matter”. The Church means to respond to the challenge by serving those who are suffering, in whom the Christian faith “sees Christ’s face”. The Church “cannot but recall, at any time, that any refugee is entitled to be fairly and humanly treated”.

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