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EU-Churches: meeting between European institutions and religious leaders. Bishops Kockerols and Kozon on Catholics’ behalf

(Brussels) The religious leaders invited to today’s meeting in Brussels between the European institutions and the communities of faith of the Old Continent were about twenty. There were: mgr. Jean Kockerols, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Malines-Brussels and first deputy president of Comece (Commission of the EU Bishops Conferences); bishop Czeslaw Kozon (Copenhagen), president of the Nordic Bishops Conference and deputy president of Comece; metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium, exarch of the Netherlands and Luxembourg; mgr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, bishop of Bavaria and president of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany; imam Hassen Chalghoumi of Drancy (France), former president of the French conference of imams; Arie Folger, chief rabbi of the Jewish community in Vienna; Albert Guigui, chief rabbi of Brussels and permanent delegate of the Conference of European rabbis to the European Union; imam Benjamin Idriz, director of the Islamic community in Penzberg; Antje Jackelen, archbishop of the Church of Sweden; imam Yahya Pallavicini, president of the Islamic religious community in Italy; metropolitan Polycarpus, patriarchal vicar of the Netherlands and of the Czech and Slovakian Syrian Orthodox Church; archbishop Ratislav of Prešov, primate of the Czech and Slovakian Orthodox church; Lakshmi Vyas, president of the Hindu Forum of Europe. The dialogue between the European Union and churches, religions, philosophical and non-confessional organisations was laid down by article 17 of the Lisbon Treaty, enforced in 2009.

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