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Germany: Ehrenlechner (Young Catholics), “Synod questionnaire as sign of participation in the questions of the Church”

The Association of Young German Catholics (BDKJ) welcomes the announcement of the Ordinary Council of the General Office of the Bishops’ Synod. Presided over by Pope Francis last 21 and 22 November, the Synod pointed out the opportunity of a questionnaire with a view to the 15th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod: in October, Pope Francis had already said that the Synod would meet in autumn 2018 to deal with the theme of youth and vocation. “We see that as a sign that participation of all Catholics in the important issues of today’s Church is not an isolated event – said National President of BDKJ Wolfgang Ehrenlechner today: “Pope Francis wants the voices of believers to be heard by the leadership of the Church”. Now, for BDKJ, it is important for youth to be involved in the survey. In 2013, BDKJ took part in the questionnaire on the Synod of the family, through a version available online in its website, and sent about ten thousand answers to the German Bishops’ Conference: “This time, too, we can easily imagine that it will be possible to answer in a digital way; youth will be asked to debate one’s real life in accordance with the themes proposed by the Council of the Synod”, said Ehrenlechner.


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