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“Misericordia et misera”: Card. Marx (DBK), “request to persevere in charity is a reminder to the Church in Germany”

The president of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK), Card. Reinhard Marx, commented on the recent publication of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter “Misericordia et misera”. “The Holy Year is now over but it will have long-lasting effects”, he said in a declaration issued at the end of the Jubilee: “In a fascinating document, Pope Francis points to the areas of life in which the Church will be called to act with charity”, the prelate said. Card. Marx thanked the Pontiff, stressing that he “is promoting an intense and committed culture of mercy, by supporting it theologically and giving it a place in people’s lives”. Indeed, according to the cardinal, “the Pope writes that when people open their hearts, mercy reawakens joy and is the hope of a new life”. Pope Francis writes that the Holy Year was a success because, “like a strong and healthy wind, it blew the Lord’s mercy and goodness on the Earth”, Card. Marx remarked. “His clear indications to the priests and the bishops should not leave us indifferent” as “the request to persevere in charity is a constant reminder to the Church in Germany and a way for us to show the merciful face of Jesus”. In this regard, Card. Marx enthusiastically welcomed the Pope’s idea, in the future, to establish a World Day of the Poor to be celebrated in the Church on the Sunday preceding the Solemnity of Christ the King.

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