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Pope Francis in Sweden: in-flight press conference, “it is not human to close doors”, but receiving with “prudence”

“Always with an open heart: it is not human to close doors, it is not human to close the heart, and in the long term, we pay for this”. However, we also need to be careful to avoid “imprudence in calculations, in taking in more people than we can integrate”. This is how Pope Francis answered a Swedish journalist’s question about the ability of European countries to integrate migrants and refugees during the papal press conference on the return flight from Sweden to Rome yesterday. The Pope highlighted the need to make a distinction: “We have to distinguish between a migrant and a refugee”, he said. “The migrant must be treated according to certain rules, because migration is a right, but a very regulated one. A refugee, by contrast, comes from a situation of war, of anguish, of hunger, from a terrible situation, and the refugee status requires more care, more work”. The Pope expressed his appreciation for what Sweden has done so far, and encouraged Europe to not be afraid because “Europe was made with a continuous integration of cultures, many cultures”. With reference to the countries that close their borders, Pope Francis said: “I think that, theoretically, we cannot close our hearts to a refugee”, but prudence is also required “of those in positions of authority: they must be very open to receiving them, but also to making calculations regarding how to settle them, because not only must refugees be received, but they must also be integrated”. And he concluded: “I think that the worst counsellor for the countries that tend to close their borders is fear, and the best counsellor is prudence”.



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