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USA: Bishops’ plenary meeting. Mgr. Chaput (Philadelphia), “no to disposable sexuality”

During the US Bishops’ plenary meeting in Baltimore, Monsignor Charles Chaput, archbishop of Philadelphia, placed emphasis on a concept of sexuality of our time that brings pain on women, men and families. “A culture is spreading in which people are over-concerned with sex, and moderation no longer seems to be a virtue”, said Chaput, stating how unfaithfulness, divorce, rape and “disposable” relationships are the daily expression of such distortion. Monsignor Chaput, who is at the helm of the Bishops’ group working at the subject of “Amoris laetitia”, pointed out that young Catholics need positive examples of a love lived in connection with God against a society that spreads the concept of promiscuity. “It is very important”, monsignor Chaput added, “that we encourage young people to form peer communities that can provide strong support in a scenario where human relations are so debased”.

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