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CCEE: press officers, spokespersons and bishops responsible for social communications in Europe meet in Glasgow (Scotland)

The top officers in charge of communications within the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe are meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, from today until Sunday at the annual meeting organized by the CCEE (Council of European Bishops’ Conferences). Indeed, the Spokesperson and Press Officers of the Bishops’ Conferences are expected to take part in this event from 16 to 19 November, while the Bishops chairing the Commissions for Social Communications of the respective Bishops’ Conferences will arrive tomorrow. According to a statement from CCEE, the two meetings, which will have several common moments, will tackle “topical issues and possible synergies related to the field of communication”. The Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe is chaired by Card. Angelo Bagnasco. It currently has 39 members: the 33 Bishops’ Conferences, plus the Archbishops of Luxembourg and of the Principality of Monaco; the Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus; the Bishop of Chişinău (Moldova); the Eparchial Bishop of Mukachevo; and the Apostolic Administrator of Estonia. The 39 members of CCEE spread over a territory comprising 45 countries.

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