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United States: mgr. Elizondo (Bishops Conference) to Trump, “keep protecting the dignity of refugees and migrants”

In a letter read out at the plenary meeting of the US Bishops Conference, the president of the Bishops Migration Committee, monsignor Eusebio Elizondo of Seattle, called the new president, Donald Trump, “to keep protecting the dignity of refugees and migrants”. Beforehand, in a TV interview, Trump had said he was working at a plan to expel 2 to 3 million “people with a criminal record” who had got into the country without permits. The Bishops, gathered in Baltimore, supported monsignor Elizondo’s position. “We must join forces to protect the most vulnerable ones”, they pointed out. In his letter, Elizondo also asked the new government to acknowledge the contribution made by refugees and immigrants “to the global prosperity and wealth of the nation”. Finally, the Bishop mentioned that the Migration Committee will keep working to have positive policies for refugees and immigrants. “Serving and taking in people who are fleeing violence and conflict in many regions of the world is part of our identity as Catholics”, he said. “The Church will keep on the tradition of saving lives”.

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