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Sweden: “Churches’ Global Week” on human rights and environment in light of climate change

The “Churches’ Global Week”, the annual ecumenical event to reflect on and renew the commitment to issues related to social justice, has begun on Sunday, 13 November, and will end on 20 November. The theme for the 2016 edition is “An Earth to be lived. Human rights in the light of climate change”. The different denominations have organised over 100 events across the country: pilgrimages for climate, religious celebrations, street markets, and events for the youth and for children. “The Paris Conference on Climate Change in 2015 was a success from different points of view. Since then, Sweden has committed to becoming the first zero-emission developed country. Companies, associations, churches and individuals have become engaged in finding new ways of achieving a climate-smart future. This gives us hope for the climate”, the coordinators explained. As part of the initiative, the campaign #klimathopp (hope for the climate) was launched to “spread hope”: we are all invited to disseminate news, facts and events that show that “we are going in the right direction” and are encouraging in the fight against climate change. “We know that God wants an Earth where there is justice, peace and sustainability. We believe that He has given us a brain to understand what should be done. We ask God to strengthen us in our fight by the power of the Risen Christ”, the Swedish Churches wrote in their common document in 2013 entitled “Protect the Earth that God Loves”.

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