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Pope Francis: message for COP22, “essential and proper to take into consideration ethical and social aspects of new paradigm of development and progress”

A “strong encouragement that your work in these days be inspired by the same collaborative and constructive spirit expressed during COP21”. It was addressed by Pope Francis to the participants in the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22), which is taking place in Marrakesh from 7 to 18 November. The phase of the coming into effect of the Paris Agreement is “a delicate moment of exchange, entering in a more concrete way into the formulation of rules, institutional mechanisms and the elements necessary for correct and effective implementation”. These, the Pontiff observed, “are complex aspects that cannot be delegated solely to technical expertise but which require continual political support and encouragement”. “One of the main contributions” of this Agreement is “that of stimulating the promotion of strategies for national and international development based on an environmental quality that we could define as fraternal”. Indeed, it “encourages solidarity in relation to the most vulnerable and builds on the strong links between the battle against climate change and that of poverty”. For this reason, he added, “we are also aware that it cannot all be limited solely to the economic and technological dimension: technical solutions are necessary but they are not enough; it is essential and proper to take into careful consideration also the ethical and social aspects of the new paradigm of development and progress”. Here, he remarked, “we enter into the fundamental fields of education and the promotion of lifestyles that favour sustainable models of production and consumption; and we are reminded of the need to promote the growth of a responsible awareness of our common home”. In this task, “all the States Parties are called to give their contribution, along with the non-party stakeholders: civil society, the private sector, the scientific world, financial institutions, sub-national authorities, local communities, indigenous populations”. “The lifestyle based on the throwaway culture – he concluded – is unsustainable and must have no place in our models of development and education. This is an educational and cultural challenge” to which the “process of implementing the Paris Agreement must also respond”.

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