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Russia: end of the Jubilee, the Church invites to prayer and solidarity. “Three minutes a day with Jesus”

“This morning, as I passed through the Holy Door of our cathedral for the last time, I thought: the door closes, but our hearts should not close. May these doors remain open in our hearts”. Archbishop Paolo Pezzi said this at the beginning of his homily during the closing celebration of the Holy Year of Mercy that took place yesterday in Moscow’s Cathedral. Commenting on the daily readings, Mgr. Pezzi insisted on the need to forgive “in order to love our neighbour, any neighbour, even our enemy”. For “if I refuse to forgive my neighbour, that means that I am far from God”, although forgiving our neighbour “is not a condition for receiving God’s pardon, but rather a manifestation of God’s love”. “Be merciful like the Father is not an invitation that Christ addresses to us for a year, but for our entire lives”, Mgr. Clemens Pickel, Bishop of Saratov, wrote to the faithful of his diocese, inviting them to dedicate the year beginning on 27 November to prayer: “I call on all of you to renew your prayer to God and the saints” on a journey that is “common, but also and necessarily personal and individual”. He therefore asked to begin by “giving God at least three minutes of your time, every day, in silence, without excuses! It would be better to do it always at the same time, maybe by setting an alarm on your phone” to read a passage from the Gospel and look at our own life, together with Jesus.

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