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Portugal: plenary meeting of the Bishops Conference, preparing a document on catechesis

The Portuguese Catholic Church is preparing a document called “Catechesis: the joy of meeting Jesus Christ”, based on the guidelines given by the dioceses, through which it wants to give a new direction to such educational area. At the end of the 190th plenary meeting of the Bishops Conference (Fatima, 7-10 November 2016), the cardinal patriarch of Lisbon pointed at “the need to move from a type of school learning, where knowledge is merely transmitted, to a catechumenal form, where children, teenagers, young and adult people are actively involved in the community”. “It is a process that must involve the whole person, not just the intellectual abilities that make one learn notions and repeat them by heart; it must concern attitudes that must be put in practice according to the real example set by Jesus”, the president of the Portuguese Bishops Conference (CEP9 explained. The Bishops’ idea is to increasingly promote a pastoral service that proves to be able to teach the Christian way of being and living: “What is not learn statically and mnemonically but involves inclusion and contact with other people in current, everyday life”, mgr. Manuel Clemente added.

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