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United States: mgr. Kurtz (president of Bishops Conference), the political world is responsible for the common good, the defence of life, and the immigrants’ dignity

In a release, the president of the US Bishops Conference, monsignor Joseph E. Kurtz, congratulates the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, and the new members of Congress. “Now, the responsibility for ruling in the common interest begins”, Kurtz writes. “Let’s try not to stay confined within the party’s perspectives, but let’s look at Christ’s face in our neighbours, especially the suffering ones and those we disagree with”. “Let’s remember the words that Pope Francis said to Congress last year”, Kurtz went on. “Any political deed must serve and promote people’s good and must be based on the respect of human dignity”. “Yesterday, millions of Americans, who are struggling to find positive economic opportunities for their families, voted to be listened. Our answer should be simple: ‘We are listening to you’. We are all responsible for strengthening the families”. Mgr. Kurtz hopes the new president may “work to protect human life, from its start to its natural end”. “We also support policies that offer opportunities to all people, of all faiths, from all social classes”, Kurtz writes. “We firmly believe that our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters may be humanely received, without compromising on security”. And “we call the new government to work for religious freedom”.

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