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Austria: “Sundays off”, Muslims agree. “Better life for everyone”

In Austria, the “Sunday Alliance” was established 15 years ago. The Austrian Bishops’ Conference and Catholic movements, the Austrian trade-union federation ÖGB, evangelical ecclesial groups, and the Chambers of Commerce created a national movement of opinion pioneering international struggles for Sunday rest. Several initiatives are scheduled for the 15th anniversary of the “Alliance”. In particular, on 24 October, at the Salzburg Residenz, Archbishop Franz Lackner and Bishop of Gurk Msgr. Alois Schwarz will preside over a commemorative ceremony. Monsignor Schwarz is regarded as the inspiration r behind the campaigns to safeguard work-free Sundays; in the latest issue of KSOE, the Catholic Social Academy, he pointed out the theological, human and social meanings of the campaign. “Before work and economy, the work-free Sunday lets man, society and nature breathe”, wrote the Bishop. “Work-free Sundays foster people’s relationships as well as relationships based on communion with others and with God”, stated Schwarz. Muslims regard the work-free Sunday as a shelter, too, said spokeswoman Carla Amina Baghajati”: though Sundays are not so important for Muslims under the religious point of view, “the Sunday culture prepares this country for improvements in everyday life”.

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