Pope Francis: to Anglican primate Welby, “prayer, testimony, mission “for the continuation of our common journey”

Three words – “prayer, testimony, mission” – for the “continuation of our common journey”. This is how Pope Francis spoke this morning to Justin Welby, archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the Anglican Church, and to the primates of the Anglican Provinces, whom he gave audience to in Sala dei Papi at the Apostolic Palace, the day after the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the meeting between the Blessed Paul VI and the archbishop of Canterbury, Michael Ramsey, and the establishment of the Anglican Centre in Rome, held in the Church of St Andrew and Gregory on Mount Celio in Rome yesterday afternoon. The Pope began by thanking Welby and the primates who have come to Rome for being there, “a beautiful fraternal proof” on the 50th anniversary of that “epoch-making meeting” that “bore much fruit”. Then, his three words. Prayer, like last night’s Vespers, and the Anglicans’ prayer this morning on the grave of the Apostle Peter: “Don’t let’s get tired of jointly and repeatedly asking the Lord for the gift of unity”. Secondly, testimony. “These 50 years of exchanges and sharing, as well as our common reflections and texts – Bergoglio pointed out -, tell us about Christians who, out of faith and with faith, have listened to each other and have shared their time and forces. The belief has grown that ecumenism is never an impoverishment but a wealth; the certainty has been achieved that what the Spirit sowed in each other produces a common harvest. Let’s treasure such legacy and let’s feel called every day to give the world the testimony of love and unity between us, as Jesus asked us to do”. Lastly, mission, in the belief that “this is the time in which the Lord calls us, above all to get out of ourselves and our places and bring His merciful love to a world that is thirsty for peace, let’s help each other to put at the centre the needs of the Gospel and properly spend ourselves in this mission”.

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