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Justice and Peace Europe: “security” must be inseparable from “justice and human rights”. Appeals to politicians, Church, media and citizens

“Security is essential and positive”, but when it “becomes detached from justice and human rights” it “alienates the other, prevents mutual exchange and eventually becomes a new cause for conflict and division”. This is what the delegates of the 31 national Justice and Peace Commissions wrote in a joint declaration released at the end of their meeting in Luxembourg (30 September-3 October). “We warn against the idea that Europe can achieve security for itself by building walls”, the declaration reads, for “the nature of the threats to Europe’s security is too diverse and too complex for walls to be effective”. The alternative is “a world order based on justice”. “Security is a subjective perception”, the delegates wrote, inviting everyone to “distinguish between justified concern about real threats and deep but groundless fears of the future or of the other”. Six appeals were made in Luxembourg: to the EU and its members to “embrace a true policy of peace based on integral human development”; to politicians that their decisions and the language they use “are respectful of human dignity and the principle of rule of law”; to academics to “analyse new concepts” that offer “a perspective for all”; to those working in communications to “develop a stronger sense of ethical responsibility”, “denounce hate speech and avoid encouraging stereotypes”; to the Church to be “a sacrament of peace”; and to every citizen to contribute to “building a more secure and peaceful community through dialogue and a spirit of fraternity”.

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