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Portugal: Catholic associations, “unemployment is a problem; need to fight social and labour injustices”

Ahead of the celebration of the “World Day for Decent Work” on 7 October, the Portuguese Catholic Workers’ League (LOCP) said “high unemployment, and more specifically the lack of job opportunities for young people, is the most serious national problem”. The Movement of Christian Workers (MTC) stressed that the combination of these two phenomena have forced many nationals to emigrate: “this is an offence to human dignity which has serious consequences for families, because many of them have lost their homes and can no longer provide for their children, nor can they guarantee them normal access to education, culture, healthcare, and justice”. For the Catholic association, instability and insecurity must not become the norm and be accepted with indifference; rather, there is a “need to denounce social and labour injustices, locally, nationally and internationally, and to show support and solidarity to workers, helping them to become aware of the issues and to enhance reliance on trade unions that can intervene to protect them”. Social misery is a tragedy that strikes families across the world: “In order to overthrow the barriers of exclusion and exploitation, we need to build bridges between the peoples: a decent work which respects the rights of people makes every human being happier, a herald of hope”.

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