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EU Parliament: migration, the “abuse-free” label and free InterRail for one’s 18th birthday

Strasburgo (Francia): la sede del Parlamento europeo che accoglie la sessione plenaria

(Strasbourg) From today to 6th October, the European Parliament will be meeting in Strasbourg again. One of the week’s key themes will be the preparations for the European Council of 20th and 21st October in Brussels about migration (and remarkable political problems that ensue from that), EU-Russia relationships, and trade relations. “Files to be discussed or to be voted on”, the EU Parliament states, include: “ban on the export of ‘torture goods’, a mechanism for proper use of roaming rates, progress made in Greek structural reforms, safety of food-grade materials, women’s rights in Poland”. The MEPs will question the EU Commission “about conflict of interest of current and former MEPs” (the “Barroso case”). In addition, the EU Parliament is ready to ratify the Paris agreement on climate (Cop21) and will discuss the next negotiations (Cop22), due in Marrakech in November. A draft resolution “on corporate responsibility for serious breaches of human rights in third countries” will call the EU Commission to launch a EU-wide campaign to create an ‘abuse-free’ label and urge consumers to choose such ‘abuse-free’ products and companies”. Then, the idea to give young people a free InterRail pass for their 18th birthday “to let them explore and learn more about Europe” will be discussed.

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