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Environment: EU Parliament, towards ratification of Paris climate agreement. And Ban Ki-moon comes to Strasbourg

(Strasbourg) The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, is travelling to Strasbourg, where tomorrow he will give a speech to the European Parliament on the day the Assembly will cast its final vote on the ratification of the Paris climate agreement (Cop21). Parliament’s vote will pave the way to the enforcement of the Paris agreement on the protection of global climate. The Cop21 agreement will come into force – as established in Paris – on the thirtieth day after the day at least 55 parties (out of 197) to the Convention, for an estimated total of at least 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions, have filed their deeds of ratification, acceptance, approval or endorsement with the UN registry. So far, 61 parties, including the USA and China, have ratified the Convention, i.e. 47.79% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. With the European Parliament’s vote, such quorum would be exceeded. In addition, on Wednesday the European Parliament will hold a debate with the EU Council and the EU Commission about the priorities for the next negotiations on climate change (Cop22), due in Marrakech in November. In a draft resolution, the MEPs emphasise “the urgent need, which is crucially important to all parties, to increase their emission-reducing efforts”. Moreover, the EU should commit to further reduce emissions by 2030.

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