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Germany: “weltwärts”, a project of the German dioceses for international volunteering

The German dioceses have powerfully upheld the “weltwärts” project (“to the world”) that since 2008 has involved over 26 thousand young people who took up the invitation of the Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Economic Development. The German dioceses decided to lead young Catholics to have different experiences: 6 months abroad; twelve months abroad with a preparatory period on the place; 24 months with an organisational role too. Jobs range from education to healthcare and child support, environment, micro-projects in farming, and cultural or human rights initiatives. Most volunteers (42 per cent) work in Latin America, followed by Africa (37 per cent) and Asia (19 per cent). The German Catholics are coordinated by the office for the World Church, that organises courses and internships for young “weltwärts” in the dioceses. As in the Missionary Unit and the World Church of the diocese of Passau, which right now is training 15 young people to spend a year as volunteers as part of the state programme. From 28th to 30th October, the Münchham youth centre will host a workshop to provide guidance to young adults aged 18 to 28. Overall, the diocese of Passau provides 12 worksites. The biggest one is Peru: here, volunteers work in child support service sin Arequipa or teach English in 35 schools across the region.

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