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Austria: Catholics censure nominee Hofer’s election campaign

Controversies are still rife in Austria about the use of express references to God in the federal presidential election campaign by right-wing nominee Norbert Hofer. The president of Catholic Action Austria, Gerda Schaffelhofer, censored the posters with “God help me” written on them: “Making God functional to political ambitions is to be deeply rejected”. According to Schaffelhofer, “those who deceitfully use God for the political purposes of someone or of a party make one wonder how they will behave with people, in their politics”. The president of Catholic Action Austria mentioned that “there are more than enough examples from the past and present that show dangerous aberrations presented as if they had been God’s will”. This, Schaffelhofer warned, endangers “the reasonable separation between the State and the Church that has been accomplished in Austria”. In his weekly section in the “Presse am Sonntag”, the communication manager of the archdiocese of Vienna, Michael Prüller, pointed out that “if he brings God into play, then he does it at his own risk”, hinting at the Second Commandment, “thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”, “for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord in vain”. The vicar general of Graz, mgr. Hermann Glettler, pointed out that “everyone – not just a presidential nominee – needs God’s help”.

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