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Poland: national thanksgiving pilgrimage. 7 thousand devotees meet the Pope in the Vatican

A large group of pilgrims, taking part in the national thanksgiving pilgrimage that will go on until Sunday 23rd October, is coming from Poland to Rome. Poland’s previous national pilgrimage had been organised in 2003 to thank for the 25 years’ papacy of John Paul II. This time, Poles are in Rome to thank Pope Francis for his visit to Poland for the World Youth Day, for the 1050th anniversary of the Christianisation of the country, and for the Holy Year of Mercy. “God and the Holy See must be thanked for all that has been done in Poland in the last few years and that has given Poles so much joy”, monsignor Stanisław Gądecki, president of the Polish Bishops Conference and deputy president of Ccee, pointed out. It has been estimated that about 50 bishops, 260 priests and 7 thousand devotees will be taking part in the thanksgiving pilgrimage. The programme of the pilgrimage includes liturgical celebrations in all four patriarchal basilicas in Rome, an audience with the Pope, and attendance of the Angelus. The audience with the Pontiff will take place on Saturday 22nd October, the day on which Saint John Paul II is celebrated. The national pilgrimage is part of the programme of the Year of Mercy and the 1050th anniversary of Christianity in Poland, through which the country joined the faith and culture of Western Europe.

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